Qué Pasa? Los animales de la A a la Z

What it is about: This book has been designed specifically to promote alphabetization in the Spanish speaking world, which is an underserved market. A little-known fact is that Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world. ¡Te invito a que descubras el alfabeto de una forma divertida! Cada animal esta representado por una letra y frases. El texto esta escrito en mayúsculas para facilitar a los niños el aprendizaje del proceso de la lectura. #livrosparacrianças #kidsbooks #livroinfantil #alfabeto See who is talking about this book: https://www.anahuac.mx/mexico/EscuelasyFacultades/educacion/noticias/academica-de-educacion-presenta-el-libro-infantil-que-pasa-los-animales-de-la-la-z https://franticmommy.com/2018/04/que-pasa-whats-up-with-author-yvette-pais-2-17.html Social Media: Where to buy : https://mercadolivros-editora.lojaintegrada.com.br/que-pasa-los-animales-de-la-a-a-la-z https://www.amazon.com.br/Qué-P...